Professional Grooming Tips: Being in the Right Place
Professional grooming can feel like a dance as you position yourself to best groom each canine customer. Yet being in the right place is the key to avoiding repetitive motion injuries in your wrist, arm and back. Equipment can help.
When designing the Shor-Line Elite and Big Top Grooming Tables, the developers determined that a 180-degree pivot on the grooming arm would allow professional groomers to move around the table.

The stability of Shor-Line's Elite Grooming Table allows the groomer to make adjustments for the perfect grooming ergonomics.
Notice the curved top and end. As groomers focus on the pet, it is not unusual to bump into the table. The rounded, tapered edges help you avoid bruised hips.
Finding the correct positioning
You need to use even the best ergonomically designed hand tools at the correct height. This table keeps your arms and wrists positioned correctly. The right tools are a solid prescription for safety.
Try extending your arms across the grooming table when a pet is not present. As you pantomime the motions you will use, feel for pinches and strains. Then, adjust your table height and grooming angle to see if you can reduce pain or strain. Try the new position on your next dog. Kept adjusting until you are mainly pain free.
Let the equipment do the work
Reducing lifting and bending are the other keys for professional groomers to staying healthy. The quiet electric lift operates with a foot pedal from both sides of the table, saving you steps and lifting. Protecting your lower back is critical.
Use the lift to position each pet where you need it. It can be easy to have one setting and revert to lifting pets to the table. If you move from grooming a small breed to a larger dog, reposition the table. And, let the pet ride up to the correct height. Your reassurance will make the ride easy...and you will save your back!
Grooming arms need strength
The grooming arm takes the brunt of the impact if a dog new to grooming decides to bolt. Groomers tell us they have struggled with failed grooming arms on other equipment. So, we used our Shor-Line Stainless Steel expertise to manufacture a durable grooming arm that stands up to strong dogs. We think it is the best arm in the business!
Our grooming arm is so popular that we sell it as a retrofit for competitive grooming tables. Just ask a sales rep if you need to replace an arm on another company's table.
Ergonomics is more important than ever in minimizing overuse grooming injuries. Whatever table you use, let your equipment take the strain off your body so you can spend more time doing the grooming you love.