Feline Comfort Suites
Our revolutionary new feline housing features a fine-celled foam board that is impervious to moisture. The gentle design provides ample room for cats to relax and lower their stress levels.
Stainless Steel Cat Suites
The newly redesigned Stainless Steel Cat Suite provides ample space to keep felines happy in flexible double unit housing.
Specialty Housing
The Kat Play-Around is the flagship of our options for mulit-cat living quarters. They let felines frolic and show off their playful sides.
Feline Accessories
From our newly crate Kat Kave that lets cats lounge or hide to the many feeding, cage covers, latches and Kat Portals, Shor-Line feline accessories make cats purr.
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Feline Comfort Suite Brochure | Feline Comfort Suite Anatomy | Serenity Suite Information