The Feline Comfort Suite that Shor-Line unveiled in February 2018 revolutionized feline housing. No longer are customers forced to sacrifice durability for a clean, soft-looking living area. When designing the interior, we took input from customers and worked with top feline shelter veterinarians. The research has shown felines stay healthier when they have more space, including a separate area for eliminating. This extra space is changing the face of shelter housing. Continued research is guiding shelters and animal control facilities to rethink how animals are sheltered. And Shor-Line has responded with this innovative new product line. Our product development team tested dozens of materials before selecting the extruded PVC chosen to build the Feline Comfort Suite. It is a revolutionary material that creates a strong but lightweight internal board structure while keeping the outside hard and strong but yet silky smooth to feline feet. We knew maintaining a sanitary living area was critical, so we tested the product on the common cleaners used. It worked extremely well. The new cat condos are strong and virtually impervious to moisture…we know because we soaked it in water for days! It even stands up to urine. We settled on a 24”W or 30”W x 30”H condo with an attached 18”W x 30”H litter area. The two combined provide the recommended area for adequate shelter housing. The door designs have the cat’s comfort in mind. There are four door options available: There is one standard litter door that provides benefits to both the caregiver and the cat. The large (18″W) litter combines grill at the top for ventilation and a polycarbonate clear area at the bottom with a clip for records. The tall (30″H) unit allows even the largest felines to posture correctly for elimination, which reduces stress. Feline Comfort Suite
Size Matters
The unit is filled with premium features:
The new Feline Comfort Suites have taken off in popularity. It is changing the way felines are housed both in short-term and longer term situations. Shor-Line is offering FREE consultations to help you upgrade or build new feline housing. Our consultants are great at listening to your needs and giving you great ideas for blending new products with your existing housing. Download a FREE digital brochure on feline housing below. Read more about low stress options on the low stress page.
FREE consultation
Feline Housing Reimagined
These units are sold individually or as part of a cage assembly package. Below are a few of the most popular options. Remember, the standard main unit sizes are 24″W or 30″W with or without an 18″W litter. Assemblies will be stacked two-units high (approximately 68″H for a mobile unit). For a full listing of assembly options, click here. So, if you have a 4′ (48″) wide space, then you could have an assembly with four condo openings (two on the top and two on the bottom) or two Feline Comfort Suites that provide double-compartment housing with the desired litter + large (30″W) main unit.
Assembly Options
3½'W Feline Comfort Suite Assembly
4'W Cat Condo Assembly
4'W Feline Comfort Suite Assembly
5'W Cat Condo Assembly
7½'W Cat Condo Assembly
12'W Feline Comfort Suite Assembly
We have optional accessories as well:
Kat Kave. This two-level cave that lets the cat lounge on the concave top or snuggle underneath in a hiding area with three exits. Privacy Quiet-Time Cover. Colorfast nylon cover snaps onto the cage to give the cat a hiding spot. It still gives caretakers a good view of the cat. Viewing Dome. Choose a Tri-Door with a Viewing Dome to provide hours of feline enrichment.
Kat Kave
Privacy Quiet-Time Cover
Viewing Dome